Friday, December 25, 2009

The Meaning of Christmas

Let the trumpets sound! Unto us this day our Saviour is born.
Hark, the Herald Angels Sing.

Thinking of all who are dear and remaining in contact. I will be praying for the gift of Love, for the whole world.

All the modern mechanisms can bring us closer...

Christmas wishes for me are mainly to keep in touch with dear friends and Family.

Send a letter and hope to hear back soon : )

Every day could be like Christmas if we never forget the reason for the Season. The birth of our Saviour.

Santa represents giving from the heart, our Love and ourselves.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Love to Go Around

The dividing of attention and the size of my heart are not directly linked. Sometimes I get the feeling that some people feel there is only enough love to fill the heart full and then it remains static. I like to think of my heart as being able to grow with every new friend and to welcome in and keep all who are dear.
My children have the top spot and they know it, but they want to be assured, and sometimes they feel threatened when they realize I turn my attention elsewhere. It's not that they don't want me happy, it's that they feel left out, and realize they are not completely controlling the environment.
I have always tried to be honest and forgiving and above all, understanding in all relationships. In my walk I have tried to find the balance between responsibility and necessity and personal desire. I would never do anything to damage anybody else in any way, no matter what happened in the past. I would feel awful if I ever caused another parental relationship with their children any hardship or difficulties. I know well from my own situation and I believe the Golden Rule.
As important as a parent child relationship is for the growth of the child it is also important for the children to have happy parents and to understand that their parents have a life that is independent from the kids, also. Our children will eventually grow up and have a life of their own, and then they will hope we have one too.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas Past

Christmas Past and Christmas Future will never compare to Christmas Present.

I remember dreaming during the countdown to Christmas Day as a kid and how it seemed it would never come.

It's funny how, even as an adult I continued to put much anticipation into hopes and promises out in the future. Because, if my happiness depends on another person or another situation, disappointment is inevitable. To live for the day is the dream,
and the reality.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

When One Door Closes Two more Open?

I thank God every day for everything, and today he may have set me free.
: )

Monday, December 07, 2009

If It Snowed Today?

If it snows in the Sacramento Valley today, is that Global Warming, or just climate change?
Isn't it ironic how sometimes things happen in the world at large and get illustrated on the local level, too?
I would love to see a little snowfall today, here. With so many liberals in the State wouldn't that be great if on the day of their big event in Copenhagen they got to have snow for the first time in their big cities here? It's such a fitting kick off to the big "Climate" event.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

To Be Thankful

I am always thankful for life and the chance to improve upon my circumstances with every new day. I can count the ways I am Thankful:

Ability to Work
Knowledge of the Lord
The Beauty of our Natural World
The Gift of Life
The pursuit of Happiness
Our Freedom
A whole Universe of possibilities

I am Thankful our Country has always overcome adversity. And I am certain when we are done dabbling in the present reconstitution of Socialism we will emerge stronger and freer than if we never decided to see what was in the shadows and just around the corner.
The new world order needs to be Freedom for all. Not just North America.
Not just Europe (ha!)
Not just an Island...

Friday, November 20, 2009

Is it Faithless?

I wonder if, when I make a move that could be seen as hedging, in regards to my deepest hopes and desires, am I proving faithless or just being pragmatic?
When faith is shaken, what is the realistic human response to the fear of being disappointed? Having lived through my own personal letdowns, the last thing I want is to contribute to similar despondency in anyone else's life.
The cause and effect of human emotions and where and when feelings begin and end is a mystery for all the ages. It can even be illustrated as a mathematical equation, just with constantly fluctuating variables.
All human relations have a divine example in the way that God loves us, forever. If we follow that example we cannot go wrong.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Bark at the Moon

It is so difficult to get a good picture of the moon, but I am inspired to try every time I see it.

Joey is such a good boy!

kisses? : )

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Friday, September 11, 2009

Dream a Little Dream

Sweet memories...
...If a memory can be made from a future event.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Some photos of our day trip down to the American River Bridge outside Auburn. A nice Labor Day weekend excursion down to my favorite river spot.

Joey came with us but he was swimming and looked like he would get himself in trouble out in the current. He became a liability but I know he had fun too. It was great to get the kids out of the house for a few hours.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

A couple of My favorite songs

Not the original but this one I think is better to my tastes

And one more because after I lost it on the song chart I always wanted it back...

Monday, August 24, 2009

State Fair was Fairly Stated, as... Fun!

The County exhibits are always my favorite, or one of my favorite parts of the fair. Here are some of the noteworthy offerings. I thought these people did great work on these displays of some of their Counties best attributes.

I tried to show the county name in the photo and let them speak for themselves.

The portraits here were done with jelly bellies, thats such an interesting medium I had to try and show some of the work. The bear was in the works right then so it can be seen how it was done. I love the colours and the compositions that a fair presents, it's so much fun to try and capture with the camera.
