Monday, October 09, 2006

North Korea starts the ball rolling...

The Axis of Evil is a three headed serpent. Iraq has been nuetralized for the time being. Iran is a tough nut to crack. North Korea is the catalyst that will ignite the global conflagration we will simply call WWIII. Along with this trinity of by-blows there is also Russia, China,Syria, Venezuela, and Afghanistan/Pakistan. What is a poor free world to do? Nobody wants war. But when so many nations do not want peace, our choices are really made for US.

I still believe ,contrary to the liberals who continue to press for capitulation, that Iraq was the right move. Primarily because there we could show the world that we meant business. And it was also the easiest place to get started. From there though, we had to continue to make bold moves, not get bogged down by worrying about being too mean, or brutal, or whatever. This is a fight for our survival, whether the liberals choose to believe it or not. In the early stages of WWII there was a lot of the same second guessing and wishy-washy nihilistic presuppositions. That nearly got US speaking German or becoming a bar of soap, as Savage says. I truly am grateful to our fighting men and women for answering the call, doing their duty, and risking their lives for what I believe to be a very noble cause. I would like to believe if I could serve, I would , and I would be willing to risk everything to fight the good fight, and prevail for our country,and the free world. As Gandalf said, "It is not for us to choose the time,but to do what is right with the time we are given". Even though that story is make-believe it is paralleling our own times, and the fight against evil someday soon I am afraid we must all engage in.

Iran could not have been tackled without first dealing with Iraq. But we cannot wait until they are testing nukes to do something about them. Ahmadinajhad is just as psychotic as Kim Jung Ill, but he has a lot more support on the Street of Muslim Fools. The possibility of all the unrest in all the various countries being orchestrated toward the single goal of weakening or destroying US maybe paranoia, or may be the plot. Showdowns are scheduled for high noon. Luckily it's two minutes to midnight (Wait a second), and there is still time to do something. Whereas China and Russia are blocking US on Iran, they more than likely will be with US on North Korea. I may be a little slow, but I would guess it's because of the oil. Iran is definitely watching what the U.N. and the US say and do to N.K. So a strong message can be sent. Diplomacy can still possibly win the day. The opposition party here and pacifists the world over will likely blame Bush for whatever might go wrong, and will not give credit if things go right. But seeking credit and legacy building is what got US into all this trouble to begin with. I am connfident that Bush 43 knows that his legacy will be re-evaluated when these problems are long since solved, on earth or in heaven.

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